Friday, July 22, 2011

World Most Historical Sights in the World

World Most Historical Sights in the World

People believe that waking up early, going to office, returning home late and then sleeping again peacefully is a successful life without any worries. Such lives might be successful, but the fact is that such lives are not healthy and are not joyful either. If you want to enjoy your life, if you really want to live your life then just pack your bags and start traveling. The world is filled with amazing sites to see, sites that will make you feel alive again. Following are the 10 historical sites you must visit, these sites might be old but still they attract millions of tourists throughout the year from all over the world.Machu Picchu

It had to be placed on the top of the list and you will realize that we were right when you see this place with your own very eyes. Machu Picchu is located in southern Peru, and this ancient city is situated high in the heart of the mountains only accessible through trains or a 4 day hiking period. This ancient city belonged to the Inca civilization but they fled when the Spanish invaded this region. This city has also been named as “The Lost City Incas” and was declared as a UNESCO heritage site in 1983. Due to exposure of this location through media, a lot of people started visiting the city, so, now according to a new law passed, only a small fraction of people are allowed to enter the city for a particular time period, so that this ancient city is not damaged by the tourists and regular maintenance can be performed.

Tikal is the best preserved ruins from Mayan civilization till today. This Mayan city-state is located in Guatemala. If you really want to enjoy this site, you need at least two days and this place looks real scary at night when it is just you, the jungle and wacky noises created by the insects. Tikal is easily accessible from the neighboring Belize, just a few kilometers away. The Pyramids of Giza Each pyramid is made up of 2 million gigantic stones, how these stones were lifted to the top? Nobody has a justified answer for this question till today. The pyramids of Giza are about three thousand years old and are perfectly aligned with the stars, how the Egyptians were able to align such colossal pyramids with the stars so much perfectly? Nobody has an answer to that question either. The pyramids have vast chambers and archaeologists believe that most of them have not even been discovered or opened yet. The largest pyramid out of the three was built by the pharaoh Khufu and near to this pyramid is located the sphinx, which is another marvelous piece of human engineering and is becoming a frustration for the archaeologists and others for decades. Now you still need more reasons to visit this place?


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